
Announcements, analysis and opinions on industry trends around the programmatic world.

We are looking for a Sales Manager in Mexico

We are seeking a results-oriented, entrepreneurial and highly professional Mexico Sales Manager as a full time addition to our team. The Mexico Sales...

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    CTV and DOOH Advertising Leading the Way in 2023

    There’s no denying consumer habits have changed drastically post-pandemic, resulting in an intertwining between the...

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    Hello 2022: Top 5 Ad Tech Trends

    The year 2021 was revolutionary for most industries and the programmatic advertising industry was no exception. There's...

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    Recap 2021: Unlocking key takeaways of the year

    16 console releases, 10 new integrated partners, 14 times recognized globally 🏆, alongside a growing presence across...

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    iOS14.5 - What’s Changed Three Months Later and How Your Proximity Campaigns are Affected

    Disclaimer: The data shared on this blog post comes from our forecasting tools and reflects the traffic we get from the...

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    5 tools to ace your US elections 2020 campaigns

    With US Elections around the corner, we want you to be 100% prepared to run campaigns for your candidate(s). Whether...

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    FAQs regarding TCF 2.0 by IAB

    The IAB has issued a new version of their Transparency & Consent Framework (2.0) that will come into full effect on...

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    CCPA- FAQs regarding your campaigns in mediasmart

    CCPA grants California consumers robust data privacy rights and control over their personal information, including the...

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    Los anunciantes deberían pensar en la experiencia móvil al diseñar sus campañas

    Experta en administrar negocios basados en tecnologías móviles, Noelia Amoedo, fundadora y CEO de Mediasmart, ha...

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    Mobile and in-App Advertising Trends 2019

    Business of apps has launched an article reflecting on the growth and change trends some branches of digital...

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