
Announcements, analysis and opinions on industry trends around the programmatic world.

We are looking for a Sales Manager in Mexico

We are seeking a results-oriented, entrepreneurial and highly professional Mexico Sales Manager as a full time addition to our team. The Mexico Sales...

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    The iOS14 series: Advantages of using SKAdNetwork

    Since Apple announced the latest changes on iOS14 included a new way to ensure user privacy; allowing app install...

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    Getting ready for iOS14!

    Apple will launch iOS 14 in Mid-September this year* which will bring a number of changes at different levels. Will...

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    Audience insights

    Audience Insights

    Do you want to compare your store visitors, obtained through our drive-to-store campaign, with the...

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    When retargeting means additional app revenue

    Marketers working within the mobile ad industry know how fierce the competition for user acquisition can be in the app...

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    How your good-looking in-app advertising results make you waste money

    Many advertisers base their advertising partners performance evaluation on the results they see. The problem comes...

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    Mobile App Promotions - A Small Part of the Full Picture

    A sentiment I’ve been hearing all too often from ad agencies recently, is that when considering a mobile advertising...

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