
Announcements, analysis and opinions on industry trends around the programmatic world.

We are looking for a Sales Manager in Mexico

We are seeking a results-oriented, entrepreneurial and highly professional Mexico Sales Manager as a full time addition to our team. The Mexico Sales...

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    How Mobile is Paving the Way for Performance Marketing in France

    With its ad spend set to rise 40% this year, mobile is driving some of the key performance marketing trends in France.

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    Superpowering a Mobile Ad Spend - Optimisation, Measurement and ROI

    Programmatic uptake continued its rapid rise last year, and the extent to which it has transformed media buying has...

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    The Coming of Age of Mobile Programmatic

    Much has been written about ad fraud as a growing advertising concern recently; and various studies have attempted to...

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    Mobile video gains ground in purchasing processes

    Whether in or out of home, private or personal – mobile video is driving sales and blazing a new trend.

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    The race to mobile and digital unison

    With mobile now the core consumer focal point, advertisers are fully aware of the true value of mobile screen time....

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    A Programmatic Vision for Private Exchanges

    The recent Global Mobile Programmatic Trends Report for Q1 2016, suggests that mobile is now aligning with the most...

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    Monetisation and the data game

    Marketers and mobile game developers are increasingly using data to better monetise their apps, via in-app purchases...

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    The Elusive Art of Gaming Monetisation

    Gaming monetisation is considered by some as a dirty practice; but, with the gaming category accounting for the highest...

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    When Ad Formats and Mobile Programmatics Collide

    The rapid evolution of programmatic ad tech has created platforms that can now use first and third party data and...

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    The Often Misunderstood Mobile User Privacy Landscape

    There’s been a surprising degree of misunderstanding about privacy and tracking of users on mobile recently, from...

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