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    Top Honors for mediasmart’s Campaigns at Leading Industry Awards

    Diksha Sahni
    Posted by Diksha Sahni

    It’s the season of industry awards – and recognitions have come pouring in for mediasmart! We are proud to announce that mediasmart won 6 awards across multiple categories at the recently held MMA Smarties India 2022 for creating impact by leveraging cutting-edge product offerings like CTV Household Sync and Proximity Targeting. 

    mediasmart’s wins at MMA Smarties came from its campaigns for brands like Lotus Herbals, Spotify India and KFC. The campaigns were recognized across categories such as Brand Experience, Real-Time Marketing, The Internet of Innovation / Connected Intelligent Devices, O2O / New Retail / Innovative Sales Channels & Personalization.

    mediasmart also won 4 prestigious awards across categories at the e4m Real-Time Programmatic Advertising Awards 2022, the first of its kind programmatic advertising awards in India. mediasmart’s recognition came for categories such as Best Connected TV/OTT Ad Campaign, Best Omni-Channel Campaign, Best Cross-Platform Campaign & Most Effective Programmatic Media Partnership.

    Check out the award-winning case studies and learn how you can leverage mediasmart’s capabilities to create brand impact this festive season and beyond! 

    Leveraging location intelligence to deliver a personalized ad experience for Lotus Herbals


    Lotus Herbals wanted to offer its target audience a personalized ad experience by recommending the right product from its range of sunscreens leveraging location intelligence like frequently visited places (Corporate Parks, Salons and Universities) and weather conditions (Temperature and Humidity). mediasmart’s location intelligence and weather-based innovation played a pivotal role as part of a cross-screen engagement strategy for Lotus Herbals and reaffirmed the brand's market standing as a leading player in the sunscreen category.

    Helping users discover their nearest KFC through proximity targeting


    KFC wanted to target users within a radius of 2-5 km around their stores in 161 cities in India. mediasmart’s location precision targeting technology enabled them to identify and engage with these highly relevant audiences, enabled the users to identify KFC stores nearest to them and drove mass adoption for KFC’s offering.

    Driving user growth and engagement for Spotify


    Spotify wanted to gain new users and drive engagement. mediasmart's CTV Household Sync technology helped Spotify get a 50% growth in app downloads and incremental uplift in all key brand metrics.

    Driving brand awareness and reach for Discovery+


    Discovery+ leveraged mediasmart's CTV & Household sync solution to strengthen brand awareness & reach audiences via multiple connected devices, thereby driving new-age media usage innovation & consumer engagement.

    nikhil.kumar.funnySpeaking on the wins, Nikhil Kumar, VP India & SEA said; " We'd like to thank our partners for working closely with us on these campaigns and helping to create compelling narratives. I am hopeful that many brands in the same or even different categories, which are tackling similar business & marketing challenges, would get inspired by the Lotus Herbals’ use of a cross-screen audience engagement, by KFC’s use of proximity targeting to drive footfalls in the times of COVID-19 which can quite impactful as we enter the festive season and Spotify’s campaign which drove not only awareness but also app downloads with mediasmart’s CTV Household Sync offering which is the most impactful way to reach families at home who would be enjoying quality time with their loved ones."


    Topics: Case Studies, MMAsmarties, awards