
Announcements, analysis and opinions on industry trends around the programmatic world.

We are looking for a Sales Manager in Mexico

We are seeking a results-oriented, entrepreneurial and highly professional Mexico Sales Manager as a full time addition to our team. The Mexico Sales...

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    Brand safety guide in mobile programmatic

    Brand building is key for companies, that's why advertisers have always been concerned about where their ads are...

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    Tackling mobile advertising fraud

    If you're involved inonline marketing, make sure to useanalyticsto better determine invalid clicks and to help...

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    We are at the tipping point in defeating mobile ad fraud: What more needs to be done?

    Mobile ad fraud is an issue for everyone working in the programmatic industry, and it’s clear that there is an...

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    How to combat attribution fraud: Interviewing our CEO Noelia Amoedo.

    As we have talked about frequently, Attribution fraud has become a big issue for many brands and the whole advertising...

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    How to avoid fraud when promoting your app

    In the digital advertising environment, ad fraud has always been very present. In the case of app promotions, new forms...

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    Measurement Remains a Challenge: Q&A with Noelia Amoedo, mediasmart

    Ad fraud has found its way into the world of mobile. In Europe, three-quarters of mobile app marketers cite ad fraud as...

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