
Announcements, analysis and opinions on industry trends around the mobile programmatic world.

#NewHireDiaries: Embracing Innovation and Growth at mediasmart

At mediasmart, we believe that growth thrives in a dynamic environment that fosters collaboration and continuous learning. Today, we’re excited to...

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    Mobile and in-App Advertising Trends 2019

    Adriana Ullivarri
    Posted by Adriana Ullivarri

    Business of apps has launched an article reflecting on the growth and change trends some branches of digital advertising have had in recent years.

    mediasmart is proud our CEO, Noelia Amoedo, has been included as part of the group of Mobile Advertising and App Marketing leaders, commenting on the next app advertising trends in 2019.

    Check what her and others had to say!

    Business of Apps: Mobile and in-App Advertising trends 2019

    Topics: market trends