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    Top tips for Drive to store advertisers during Coronavirus

    Adriana Ullivarri
    Posted by Adriana Ullivarri

    During these difficult times we are all living, people are not out in the streets walking around, but they are at home and using their mobile devices a lot more than ever. Therefore we understand that during of self-confinement, drive-to-store campaigns are not the top priority for advertisers, and we all need to adapt and come up with new strategies.

    At mediasmart, we have put together some tips, to help you and your advertisers make the best of this new situation.


    1) An advertiser with an App, a Website, or an e-commerce business can always divert those drive-to-store budgets to campaigns that bring traffic to the digital properties instead. Examples:

    • Re-engaging users by promoting the app with a cool discount or free delivery for orders this week, seems to be working great.
    • Creating a retargeting campaign to recover old clients.

    2) Any advertiser can use this time to invest in branding campaigns that put their brand in front of existing or potential target customers in context. Examples:

    • Make a video about new entertainment or exercise options at home, that enhances the brand while helping viewers.
    • Create a game with your client base that showcases the product, and is shared in social media to expand the scope.

    3) Of course, any campaign can continue to take advantage of all advanced features in our platform, such as Location Targeting & Audiences.


    This can be a time for advertisers to ensure they come out of this crisis stronger. But even if they prefer to lay low, let's stay positive and not lose sight of what's important now: public health. We are here to support you in any way we can.

    Stay safe!


    Topics: News, drive-to-store