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    mediasmart / Branch Partnership to Offer Expanded Customer Ad Tracking Capabilities

    Adriana Ullivarri
    Posted by Adriana Ullivarri

    mediasmart has joined the Branch Certified Partner Program to allow its customers to seamlessly configure campaigns using Branch Universal Ads and track ad conversions across every device, platform and channel.

    The integration reinforces mediasmart’s recently launched Incremental Metrics capabilities and offers its customers an alternative option to track their campaigns.

    App marketers using Branch can now use mediasmart’s Incremental Metrics product to estimate incremental events coming from their campaigns for installs and also up to four post-install events. Because campaigns in Branch can be configured to inform mediasmart of both attributed and non attributed conversions in real time, mediasmart’s algorithm can now compare results between users exposed to the campaigns and placebo users. This allows automatic estimations of uplift and other KPIs such as cost per incremental install and cost per incremental purchase etc.

    When creating an App Promotion campaign in mediasmart (for either acquisition or retargeting campaigns), customers can now select Branch as their measurement partner. This allows Branch and mediasmart to automatically communicate with each other on attribution events and results.

    “This integration has very positive implications for our newly launched incremental metrics product. Armed with the new capability, marketers are now able to avoid wasting advertising budgets on users that are “counted” as conversions from a campaign but are really organic users, for example” said Noelia Amoedo, CEO, mediasmart.

    Find out more about Mobile attribution.


    Topics: partnership, attribution, mediasmart