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    Why will Maximize User Awareness be a game changer for your campaigns?

    Sarilya Jaiswal
    Posted by Sarilya Jaiswal

    Have you ever seen an ad everywhere, while you are on your Instagram feed, watching your favorite show on TV, or doing some online shopping? You're not alone. Repetition of messages is a technique often used by companies to draw attention to their offerings. But the sweet spot is difficult to find. After a point of time, seeing the same ad multiple times from a brand makes the entire experience go awry. Consumers are tired of hearing about the brand, and it can cause them to stop buying products. 

    However, when your audience is exposed to an ad for the first time or has seen it a few times, there are greater chances of it catching their attention and interacting with it.

    So, how do advertisers reach that kind of audience?

    Read more about our patent pending unique feature: Maximize User Awareness and discover how it can positively impact your advertising.

    Firstly, how do marketers currently ensure that viewers aren't bombarded with ads?

    Currently, marketers use Frequency Capping to deal with the issue of repetitive ads. Limiting how often a user sees an ad aims to fix the problem of getting viewers' attention back to the screens. This also helps widen the number of viewers a campaign reaches. For example, if you don't serve ads to a user that has already seen your ad at certain times or has already interacted with it, you will be able to reach more people and, that way, optimize your budget.

    But users aren't just seeing ads from just one brand. In 2007, a market research firm found out in a survey that, on average, people saw about 5,000 adverts every day. Fast forward to 2022, this number is around 10,000 ads per day.

    Also, according to Moz, 77% of average users today search for something on Google thrice a day, where they get a lot of paid ads. When we include TV, billboards, and other channels, we are exposed to many ads per day.

    These are from different brands across multiple platforms and the same ads multiple times, making ads plainly tiresome and saturating in your consumers' minds.

    Then, how can you increase awareness about your brand when your user is already clouded with advertisements?

    Enter Maximize User Awareness (MUA).

    We recently did research on how previous exposure to other brands affects user awareness and likeness to interact with new company messages. You can read in detail about it here.

    It helped us conclude that the higher the number of ads seen previously, the less likely the user is to interact with a new ad. Moreover, when considering expected spending vs. expected CTR, we found that increasing the investment would not increase the chances of interaction with the ad once users are saturated with ads.

    However, the study shows that if you target just the users that have seen lesser ads, the ad spends are reasonable, and CTR is above par. This is because these are the users that hold maximum awareness levels, and are more likely to interact with the ad.

    With our new MUA feature, you can specifically target those users that offer better chances of interaction.

    How would Maximize User Awareness help your brand?

    If you're running ads without checking the awareness levels of your audience, much of your budget is wasted on users who might no longer be interested. MUA helps detect the number of times a device has requested an ad before the one you want to serve and focuses on users who have seen fewer ads.

    That is how MUA gives you the capability to target users who haven't yet been saturated by ads. Thus, offering greater attention and likelihood of interaction. Your impressions don't get wasted. You get cheaper clicks as interactions happen at an optimized budget and target audience.

    With MUA, you can now quickly improve your brand's ad game forever!

    Topics: User awareness, Maximize User Awareness, user engagement