
Announcements, analysis and opinions on industry trends around the mobile programmatic world.

We are looking for a Sales Manager in Mexico

We are seeking a results-oriented, entrepreneurial and highly professional Mexico Sales Manager as a full time addition to our team. The Mexico Sales...

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    Business women to follow: Noelia Amoedo

    Adriana Ullivarri
    Posted by Adriana Ullivarri

    There is a lot of talk about the lack of women at the head of technology companies, but Noelia Amoedo, should be considered almost an exception.

    Amoedo is, since the beginning of 2012, CEO of the company technology services for mobile advertising Mediasmart. This position culminates, for now, a career developed entirely in technology companies and closely linked to the world of mobile. "There are large companies led by women who have a fundamental role in the development of the world of technology, but it is clear that the sector is mostly male," she says. "As in everything, I believe that the more women continue to become examples to follow as leaders in the technology sector and continue to inspire others, the trend will continue to grow."


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    Topics: article, mediasmart